
Work Package 4: Specific needs of the energy system (Lead: Aarhuys Universitet)

Main WP Objectives: The objectives of this work package are the development of models and procedures for the exploitation of STORE2HYDRO solutions in power transmission and distribution systems characterized by large-scale integration of non-dispatchable renewable energy production (wind and solar energy) (Task 4.1 and 4.2) and to evaluate the trade-offs and limitations(Task 4.3). This work package will also address scenarios in which hydro energy can support high levels of integration of wind/solar by maintaining the system stability after grid disturbances despite the variability of renewable energy sources (Task 4.4).

Task 4.1. System Characterisation

This task will define requirements and metrics for renewable energy (wind and solar energy) and hydropower to meet regional power system flexibility in a large-scale integration of renewables+hydro energy scenario, to provide the right capacity at the right time.

Task 4.2. Modelling platform for the grid operation with very high wind-hydro penetration

The architecture of the future electric power system is a major determinant for the system feasibility, safety, availability, reliability and efficiency, where power electronic devices will play an important role in the future grid, both in steady-state and dynamically.

Task 4.3: Optimization and control for large-scale systems

This task will evaluate the operational impact on different times scales and control scenarios to increase the reliability of a large-scale interconnected system. The result of this task will be an evaluation of the wind+solar/hydro integration to meet the requirements for ancillary services under a large degree of variability of renewables.

Task 4.4: Optimization and control for large-scale systems

This task will evaluate the operational impact on different times scales and control scenarios to increase the reliability of a large-scale interconnected system. The result of this task will be an evaluation of the wind+solar/hydro integration to meet the requirements for ancillary services under a large degree of variability of renewables

Main Outputs:

D4.1: Review of the integration and optimisation requirements and use cases; modelling platform and sim. tools (Month 18)

D4.2: Scheduling procedures of active distribution networks and energy communities (Month 36)

D4.3: Results of the optimisation and control task for the integration of wind and solar and hydropower in large-scale systems (Month 40)