
Work package 7: Dissemination & Communication (WP Lead: WRG Europe)


Work Package Objectives: 1) To develop a strong project brand identity and to create and maintain a dedicated and integrated website to highlight results and provide general informational material and data. 2) To manage and integrate all related WP activities relating to public outreach and exploitation (i.e. WP3 and WP6) in order to create and maintain a comprehensive dissemination, communication, and exploitation plan. 3) To produce and facilitate high quality general communication materials, scientific/trade publications, and events to disseminate the results of the project to target audiences. 4) To implement an industrial engagement campaign and stakeholder mapping exercise to maximise awareness and exploitation of the project technologies and approaches by key stakeholders, including TSOs. 5) Develop synergies with existing projects, dissemination channels and networks to maximise awareness about the project’s results and foster collaboration and exploitation through other EU initiatives. 

Task 7.1 Project identity and website creation

The project visual identity will include a project logo, colourway, an introductory poster, and a “roll-up”. Templates for PowerPoint slides and documentation will be prepared for use by the partners in all communication activities.  

Task 7.2 Creation of a comprehensive dissemination and communication exploitation plan

WRG will create the DC&E plan and update it at 6-monthly intervals over the life of the project. The plan will include i) the list of target audiences; ii)main messages per relevant target groups; iii) measures and activities to reach target audiences; iv) strategy to reach key industrial stakeholders to support technology maturation.  

Task 7.3 Creation and facilitation of general communication materials, publications, and engagement activities

This task will create the following general D&C activities. General communication materials: At least 4 press releases and 4 newsletters, videos including technical infographics and interviews with partners and experts will be published on the website. Scientific and trade publications: Open access scientific publications will be produced for relevant scientific peer-reviewed journals; popular articles will also be published (> 3) for trade magazines to reach a wider audience of end users and beneficiaries. Public open days: At least one public open day at one of the STORE2HYDRO validation sites. 

Task 7.4 Industry stakeholder engagement (including regulators) to create technology maturation routes

This task is dedicated to specific engagement of stakeholders in industry (e.g. transmission system operators, energy suppliers, etc.) as well as regulators in order to generate interest in the project technologies and approaches with a view to future maturation of the technology to pre-commercial scale after the project.  

Task 7.5: Creating synergies with existing initiatives, networks, and projects “clustering”

To maximise reach and create opportunities for future collaboration, the stakeholder mapping exercise mentioned in 7.4 will also enable a clustering plan from month 6 and then updated periodically throughout the project. The plan will define; (i) a list of related projects and activities including points of contact, for which clustering is envisaged; (ii) a roadmap for developing a coordinated strategy; and (iii) agreed clustering activities within the network (teleconferences, joint communication activities, participation in project meetings); and (iv) cooperation with EU initiatives such as through CINEA, BRIDGE, and the Horizon Results Booster). 

Main outputs: 

D7.1: Draft D,C &E Plan (Month 7)

D7.2: Website online (Month 5)

D7.3: D,C&E Report (Month 48)

D7.4: Industrial engagement & clustering plan (Month 14)